6 Warning Signs of Alcohol Poisoning and When to Seek Help
Alcoholic drinks are a staple in almost every celebration – be it birthdays, get-togethers, or a typical night-out. However, heavy drinking can give you more than just a hangover. Without moderation, you may end up suffering from alcohol poisoning, a deadly situation that’s been claiming around 2,400 lives in the United States annually.
Here, we talked about how it occurs and the key signs of an alcohol overdose you should watch out for. Regardless if you or someone you know have excessive drinking problems, the information below can be a life-saver.

What is alcohol poisoning?

Alcohol poisoning, also called alcohol overdose or ETOH poisoning, happens when a person has very blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels. When this happens, the part of your brain that controls primary functions, such as breathing, temperature control, and heart rate, will start to shut down.
But how do you get alcohol poisoning? Drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short period can trigger this life-threatening situation. Also, the higher the alcohol content of your drink is, the more likely you are to experience poisoning if you don’t practice moderation.
So how much alcohol causes alcohol poisoning? This can be measured through your BAC or blood alcohol level, as we’ve mentioned earlier.
BAC levels range from 0% (no alcohol) to 0.4% or higher (fatal level). Most of the time, alcohol intoxication symptoms will start to set in once you hit the 0.16% mark. As you drink more and more booze, you’ll suffer from severe impairment and you’ll start experiencing alcohol overdose. 
Usually, BAC levels are easily measured with the use of breathalyzers, though blood and urine test can also be done for a more in-depth examination.
In terms of number of glasses, how much alcohol does it take to get alcohol poisoning? The number of drinks you take isn’t really a reliable measurement. But in general, as few as 4 shots of tequila in a row is enough to trigger key signs of alcohol poisoning, depending on your weight.
Here’s the ultimate question: can you die from alcohol poisoning the day after? Yes, even if you make it over night, the effects of alcohol overdose can linger and become lethal if you don’t seek medical attention.

6 signs alcohol poisoning to watch out for

What is a sign someone may be experiencing alcohol poisoning? Here are 6 of the key signs of alcohol overdose you should check:

1.  Slowed breathing

One of the hallmark symptoms of alcohol poisoning is slowed breathing. This means that the alcohol on your bloodstream is already altering your central nervous system, causing the depression of your respiratory system.
In general, slowed breathing is one of the alcohol poisoning signs you should monitor closely. If the person you suspect of alcohol overdose is taking fewer than 8 breaths per minute, you should seek immediate medical help.
Take note that extremely slow breathing can lead to respiratory failure and potential death.

2.  Losing consciousness

One of the most common alcohol effects to binge-drinkers is the loss of consciousness. While this may seem like a classic case of drunkenness, it can actually be the onset of liquor poisoning.
This is a very dangerous scenario as the unconscious person experiencing alcohol overdose can choke on their own vomit. This will lead to suffocation, comatose, and eventual death if not treated immediately.
The usual thing to do in this case is to drag the person to the room and let the sleep on their own. However, if the drunk and unconscious person isn’t responding to pinching or efforts to wake them up, you should bring them to the nearest emergency room instead.

3.  Clammy and pale skin

Having cool, clammy skin is alcohol poisoning in the making. The person experiencing alcohol poisoning effects often develops cold sweats as the liver can’t keep up with the amount of alcohol it needs to process.
When this happens, sweating becomes the next way for your body to release the excess alcohol. This is why you’ll feel sticky, sweaty, and cold as alcohol overdose sets in.
One of the signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning you should also watch out for is changes on skin color. The person on the verge of alcohol overdose will have a blue-tinged or pale-looking skin, especially on the inside of the lips, under the fingernails, and the gums.
This happens because your body isn’t getting enough oxygen as your breathing slows down. In just a short period, this condition can turn deadly, much so if you or the affected person keeps on drinking. 

4.  Intense vomiting

How do I know if I have alcohol poisoning, you ask? If someone is throwing up violently or can’t stop vomiting, it’s possible that they are exhibiting signs of poisoning.
As we’ve mentioned earlier, this repression of gag reflex will be more dangerous if the person losses consciousness. When that happens, make sure that the person will lie on their side to prevent choking after they passed out.

5.  Confusion and incoherence

Slurred speech, inability to speak, or lack of coordination means that the person has drank one too many. This mental confusion happens when the person’s BAC levels are through the roof and already messing their brain functions.
Aside from the risk of alcohol poisoning, mental confusion also increase the risk of the person getting injured due to a bad fall or impulsive behavior.
Take note that an intoxicated person’s woozy appearance is more than just a drunken behavior. It can be the early onset of alcohol overdose, which can be life-threatening within hours.

6.  Losing control of bladder and/or bowels

As high blood alcohol concentration impairs your brain’s normal function, it will also start to shut down your muscle control. This is why many people lose control of their bladder and bowels as effects of alcohol poisoning.
In this case, you should seek immediate alcohol intoxication treatments, especially if this scenario is accompanied by other symptoms.

What to do if someone is showing alcohol poisoning symptoms

Time is of the essence when someone is experiencing the effect of alcohol poisoning. Here are the steps you should take if someone you know is suspected of blood alcohol poisoning:
  • Call for medical help right away. If you suspect or still unsure which symptom is a sign of alcohol poisoning, you should call 911 right away. Don’t delay medical help – that one call can save someone’s life.
  • Don’t leave the person alone. Make sure you monitor the person’s breathing while placing them on their side to avoid choking. If possible, try to keep the person seated and awake as much as you can.
  • Keep the person warm. Acute alcohol poisoning can cause dangerously low body temperatures. In this case, you should place a warm blanket on the person to help with temperature control.
  • Don’t force them to eat or drink anything. An intoxicated person has a suppressed gag reflex, which means they can choke on their own vomit. This is why you should never force them to drink or eat anything as this can severely backfire.
  • Check for other substances. If you can, try to know if the person has taken any medication or illicit drugs, which could complicate their condition. This information will be valuable to first-responders and likely save the person’s life.
  • Advise them to get professional help. Once the person pulled through the dangers of alcohol poisoning, you should advise them to seek professional help for their possible drinking problem. You can discuss with them option to enroll in an alcohol rehab or an addiction treatment center.

Are you or a loved one struggling with drinking problems? We’re here to help.

If you’re having troubles controlling your drinking habits or has experienced alcohol poisoning several times before, it might be time to seek help. Here at LA Wellness Home, we provide a comprehensive alcohol rehab treatment to help you recover and lead a healthier life.
With us, you’ll receive a holistic medical detox to cleanse your body from the harmful effects of alcohol. Our team will also perform dual diagnosis to address both your alcohol problem and any underlying mental health disorders. This way, you’ll achieve true recovery and sobriety in the safest way.
Don’t wait for your or your loved one’s drinking problem to turn deadly. You can reach out to our inpatient rehab in Los Angeles to begin your healing journey today with the help of our licensed specialists.
We offer free and confidential insurance verification and consultation to help plan your treatment. Contact our 24/7 helpline if you have questions or once you’re ready to get the support you deserve.
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