What is occupational wellness?
Stew Broward
Stew Broward
min read
Do you feel engaged and energized by your work? Or do you dread going to your job each day, counting down the hours until quitting time? Your satisfaction and well-being in your career have a huge impact on your overall health and happiness. That’s why actively cultivating occupational wellness is so important.
In this in-depth guide, we’ll explore what occupational wellness is, why it matters, and how you can improve it in your own life. We will also discuss how occupational wellness can help you sustain sobriety after an addiction treatment program. Keep reading to know more about how to achieve healthy work-life balance.

What is Occupational Wellness?

What is occupational wellness?
Occupational wellness refers to the satisfaction, enrichment, and purpose that you derive from your job or chosen career path. It goes beyond just financial security or status to look at how your work aligns with your values, interests, and priorities.
Some key benefits of occupational wellness include:
●     Job satisfaction – Feeling engaged and fulfilled by the work you do on a day-to-day basis. Looking forward to your job duties and responsibilities.
●     Work-life balance – Having sufficient time for non-work activities that you enjoy. Not feeling that your job consumes your whole life.
●     Financial security – Earning an income that allows you to live comfortably and meet your needs. Not feeling stressed or anxious about money.
●     Achievement – Having opportunities to learn, grow, and progress in your career over time. Feeling that your efforts are recognized.
●     Purpose and meaning – Believing your work contributes value and makes a difference. Aligning your job with your values and passions.
●     Positive work environment – Getting along well with colleagues. Feeling supported by your employer/management. Access to resources you need.
When these elements are present, you’re more likely to experience high levels of occupational wellness. But when they’re lacking, it can severely impact your job satisfaction and well-being.

Why is Occupational Wellness Important?

Focusing on occupational wellness provides a wide range of benefits:
●     Improves mental health – Dissatisfaction at work is linked to increased stress, anxiety, and depression. Occupational health importance also stretches to those who are trying to adjust back to their working life after finishing an inpatient rehab program.
●     Boosts physical health – Job strain negatively impacts your sleep, blood pressure, heart health, immunity, and more. Occupational wellness reduces work-related health risks.
●     Increases longevity – Research shows that enjoying your job can help you live longer! Having a positive attitude about your work adds years to your life.
●     Enhances productivity – Employees who are invested and satisfied with their jobs tend to be more motivated and productive at work.
●     Strengthens relationships – Greater work-life balance gives you more quality time to nurture personal relationships with family and friends.
●     Provides financial stability – When your job aligns with your skills and interests, you’re set up for security and success in your career.
●     Promotes growth – A fulfilling career enables you to keep growing and progressing. You’re driven to keep learning and improving.
The benefits extend to employers, too. Companies with workplace wellness programs have reduced turnover, better retention, and stronger bottom lines.

Signs Your Occupational Wellness May Be Lacking

How do you know if your occupational wellness could use some improvement? Here are some common signs that occupational wellness in the workplace needs a boost:
●     You dread going to work and constantly wish it was the weekend.
●     You’re bored or unchallenged in your current role.
●     Your job duties don’t match your skills, interests, or values.
●     Work frequently spills over into your personal/family time.
●     You feel exhausted, anxious, or depressed because of your job.
●     You don’t have opportunities for career development and growth.
●     Your income is insufficient or unstable.
●     You have a poor relationship with your boss or coworkers, causing workplace stress.
●     You have a low sense of purpose or passion for your work.
If several of these resonate with you, make occupational wellness a priority! Take steps to refresh your career and get back on track.

6 Ways to Improve Your Occupational Wellness

What is occupational wellness?
Ready to boost your occupational well-being? Here are some strategies for occupational wellness that you or your employer can consider:

1. Assess your current job fit

Take time to evaluate your current role regarding your skills, interests, values, lifestyle, and goals. Does your job align well, or are there mismatches? Look at both the pros and cons of your position. Through this occupational wellness assessment, you can identify areas that need to be addressed.

2. Have career development conversations

Have candid discussions with your manager about your career path. Share your aspirations and areas you want to grow. Ask about advancement opportunities within the company. If those don’t exist, discuss other roles that might be a better fit.

3. Set boundaries

Protect your personal time by setting clear work-life boundaries. Leave work at work – don’t routinely do extra hours. Use all your vacation time. Set email and communication limits during off-hours. Say no to obligations that encroach on your non-work commitments.

4. Pursue professional development

Stay engaged by taking on projects, learning new skills, attending conferences, taking courses, and more. Set goals to gain the capabilities needed to progress towards your dream career. Always keep growing and explore various occupational wellness activities that will help boost your morale.

5. Practice self-care

Make sure to take good care of yourself so you can thrive in your career. Eat healthy, exercise, get sufficient sleep, and engage in stress management techniques.

6. Increase social connections

Social connection is one of the main elements of occupational wellness. You can improve this aspect by building strong bonds with colleagues, mentor others, and expand your networks. Humans need community. Foster positive relationships and social connections at work.
Even small steps towards improving these areas can renew your enthusiasm and strengthen your occupational well-being. Be proactive about shaping your career into one that fulfills and energizes you!

Finding the Right Fit: Making a Career Change

If you’ve determined your current job is no longer the right fit, exploring a career change may be the best path forward for your occupational wellness. Here are some tips for succeeding in that transition:
●     Get clear on your non-negotiables – What are absolute must-haves in your ideal career? Salary, remote options, creativity, travel, etc.? Know these before you search for new roles.
●     Do extensive research – Thoroughly investigate fields, positions, and companies that align with your non-negotiables. Understand what the day-to-day realities are like. Talk to people in those jobs.
●     Enroll in training – Take classes, earn certifications, volunteer, or complete internships related to your desired career. Build up your abilities, network, and resume for the new path.
●     Update your materials – Craft an updated resume and LinkedIn profile tailored for the types of roles you’re targeting in your career change.
●     Apply broadly – Cast a wide net and apply to many openings that seem like a potential fit. You want lots of options to find the best-aligning role.
●     Practice interviewing – Prepare by practicing your interview skills and responses. Hone your ability to demonstrate your fit for this new field.
●     Financial planning – Create a plan to manage any period of lower income during your transition. Save up a cushion and reduce expenses if possible.
With thoughtfulness and hard work, you can make your career change dreams a reality. Taking control of your occupational wellness leads to greater prosperity and joy.

Embracing Work-Life Harmony

A key part of occupational wellness is achieving work-life harmony – keeping your job’s demands in balance with the time and energy you have for non-work interests and obligations. Here are some strategies:
●     Set firm work hours – Establish set times you are available for work communication and tasks. Stick to them except in emergencies.
●     Take breaks – Make sure to take short breaks throughout the day to refresh. Also, use your lunch break to disengage from work fully.
●     Unplug after hours – Don’t routinely check work email, messaging, or notifications during your evenings, weekends, vacations, etc.
●     Use your time off – Actually schedule and take all of your allotted paid time off for vacations, staycations, or just rest.
●     Have lunch away from your desk – Get away from your workspace during lunchtime. Go for a walk or eat in a break room.
●     Say no – It’s okay to decline meetings and obligations that aren’t essential. Protect your time and priorities.
●     Leave on time – Make it a consistent habit to wrap up your workday on schedule. Stop working promptly.
●     Outsource/delegate – Take non-essential tasks off your plate by delegating them to others or outsourcing.
●     Understand flex policies – Learn what flexible schedule options your workplace offers. Consider flex time, condensed schedules, or remote work.
●     Talk to your manager – Have open discussions with your boss about any challenges you face with work-life balance.
With some concerted effort, you can create harmony between your job and personal life. Set those healthy boundaries!

Nurturing Your Career Wellness Journey

Improving your occupational wellness is an ongoing journey. Consistently nurture these habits:
●     Tune into your needs – Check in with yourself regularly about your work satisfaction. Make career adjustments as your needs and goals evolve.
●     Learn continuously – Stay curious. Take on new challenges. Expand your skills and knowledge throughout your career. Growth fuels engagement.
●     Connect with purpose – Align your work with meaningful contributions for you. Let your values guide your career path.
●     Practice mindfulness – Cultivate present moment awareness during your workday. Reduces stress and improves focus.
●     Celebrate wins – Take pride in accomplishments large and small. Savor achievements along the way.
●     Have passion projects – Pursue special independent projects or volunteer work related to your passions. Creative outlets refresh you.
●     Network strategically – Build connections with those working in roles or organizations you find inspiring. It opens possibilities.
●     Ask for feedback – Seek regular input on your performance from managers and colleagues. Incorporate constructive feedback.
●     Express gratitude – Thank supportive co-workers, mentors, and leaders who contribute to your positive experiences.
Keep cultivating these habits throughout each phase of your career. Your occupational wellness will continue to grow!

When to Seek Additional Support

Despite your best efforts, you may find your work negatively impacting your mental health or not enabling the lifestyle you want. Seek professional support if:
●     You feel constantly stressed, anxious, or depressed because of your job.
●     Your work performance is suffering.
●     You abuse alcohol or drugs to cope with job pressures.
●     Your relationships, health, finances, or self-care are declining.
●     You’re experiencing discrimination, harassment, or abuse at work.
Counselors, therapists, career coaches, and other professionals can help you regain occupational wellness. You can always ask for professional help if you think that this is already becoming a major problem.
For compassionate counseling and occupational wellness resources, contact the experts at LA Wellness Home. Their holistic programs help clients thrive in work, family, and all aspects of life. Reach out today to learn more.

Why Choose LA Wellness Home?

If you’re struggling with occupational wellness, the caring experts at LA Wellness Home can help. Here’s why their services stand out:
●     Holistic approach – They look at all aspects of your life and health to create customized treatment plans.
●     Client-centered – Their programs are tailored to your unique needs, priorities, and goals.
●     Compassionate experts – Their team has decades of experience and truly values each client’s wellbeing.
●     Peaceful setting – They provide a tranquil, soothing environment to focus on your healing and growth.
●     Evidence-based – They utilize proven counseling approaches shown to produce results.
●     Flexible scheduling – They work around your job and life commitments to make care accessible.
●     Ongoing support – They continue supporting you after treatment ends to sustain your occupational wellness.
●     Multidisciplinary – They offer counseling, career coaching, therapy, support groups, and more in one place.
With LA Wellness Home’s holistic, customized programs, you can get back on track to a fulfilling, balanced career aligned with your aspirations. Contact them today to start improving your occupational wellness.

Key Takeaways on Achieving Occupational Wellness

●     Occupational wellness is essential for health, happiness, and life balance.
●     Assess your current job fit. Make changes if your career no longer aligns with your needs and goals.
●     Improve occupational wellness through professional development, boundary setting, self-care, social connections at work, and work-life harmony.
●     Keep growing your career. Pursue what lights you up. Connect your work to your values and passions.
●     Get help from counselors or coaches if your job significantly hurts your mental health or life imbalance.
●     LA Wellness Home provides customized support and treatment plans to help clients regain occupational wellness. Contact them today.
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